Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mango Habanero Salsa Chicken Remix: Shredded Chicken Bowl

OK, this isn't that crazy of a remix. But it's good! Just put the leftover chicken on top of rice and call it a bowl!

To jazz up the rice a little bit (and act like I really am cooking) I sautéed some onions and garlic before adding the rice to the pot. After adding the rice to get it all nice and toasty, and to make it even more Mexican-ish, add a little cumin, paprika, chilli powder, and a dollop of ketchup. If you have freshly diced tomatoes, canned diced tomatoes or just tomato sauce, add that instead because it probably makes way more sense. I'm saving the small amount I have left for something else :) Then add the right amount of water to rice ratio (1 cup of rice to two cups of water usually) so it will actually cook.

After that comes to a boil, turn it down and let it simmer covered for about 20 minutes or until you tip it to the side and don't see any water. (I always forget to set timers when cooking) I hate cooking rice, for some reason it always boils over and creates a terrible starchy mess for me to clean up later. But I've learned to turn it down and let it reduce in temperature BEFORE covering it to simmer. It may seem obvious, but for some reason it has taken me way too long to figure this out...

Anyway, when it's done fluff it and put a big spoonful in a bowl and cover with re-heated mango habanero salsa chicken. Top with more salsa, jalapeños, or Sriracha (or all of the above- some like it hot), and consume. Repeat if necessary.

Ingredients for Rice:
A little bit of onion
A clove of garlic (or two..)
Some olive oil to cook it in
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup rice
2 cups water
Dollop of ketchup
A pinch or shake of cumin, paprika, and chilli powder
(You'll notice I don't measure much. Deal with it.)

Note: The ingredients I used above made the rice a little bland...so add more salt and pepper or just enjoy with hot sauce like I did. Hot sauce makes everything better.

1. Chop onions and garlic, then throw in a hot pot with olive oil.
2. Sauté until translucent, then throw in the rice.
3. Let the rice get all yummy and covered in garlic and onion flavors and a minute, then add ketchup, spices, and water. Stir and turn up heat a little until it starts to boil.
4. When rice mixture is boiling, turn down to simmer THEN cover. Cook about 20 minutes, then fluff.
5. Put rice in bowl and cover with chicken and other toppings hanging around. Enjoy!

Left over rice or chicken or both? Freeze it! To unfreeze the rice just let it sit out a little while then reheat in the microwave with a little water.

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