Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baked Chicken Parmesan Pasta

So I won't even pretend that I made this recipe up. I "borrowed" it from my favorite website, Skinny Taste, and decided to whip it up for dinner tonight since I had everything to make it. The ingredients and directions are on her page, but I thought I'd at least post a picture and let y'all know how it turned out.

Right off the bat, I messed something up. I'm terrible at following directions, or maybe it's because I read them once and assume I know everything when I don't. When defrosting the chicken in the microwave, I accidentally cooked some of the edges, ew, so I cut them off. Hence the awkwardly shaped chicken in the pictures. But it still tasted yummy!

This recipe is so easy and so delicious, and you probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen right. now. The only thing that could make it better is some crusty bread to accompany it...just a suggestion :)

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