Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Patty Melt

Oh hey friends, I'm baaaack!

I was watching TV today, and two different shows highlighted a Patty Melt and I thought, "I've never had one before- that looks really really freaking good." I've recently been on a burger kick and have some ground beef and onions on hand so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I don't know if most Patty Melts are usually made with Swiss cheese but I wanted to break the rules and make it with white cheddar. I know, crazy.

So I started with the caramelized onions first, low and slow, with butter and olive oil. That's what makes it good.

Then I mixed up some 80/20 beef with Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and hot sauce for a kick. And by salt I mean salt and garlic salt. That's a given. Mix it up, but not too much, and let it sit for a few minutes to get along. Then make your patties, whatever size and shape makes you happy.

Then melt some more butter and olive oil in another pan and throw the patties in there. DON'T touch them once they're in. It'll mess up the delicious brown caramelization that happens that is so tasty. While that side is cooking, take some of the caramelized onions that you had going first and press them into the uncooked side of the patty. (Saw this on The Chew today, can't take full credit). Once the first side is cooked to your liking, flip it over and cook until you deem done.

In another pan (I used the onion pan), melt some more butter (OK I used light butter the whole time to make myself feel better about it all) and start toasting your bread, I used fresh rye bread. Put a slice of cheese on the bottom piece, then top with a patty (or two, if there's room!), then more cheese and bread. Turn it over and toast the other side and let all the cheese get melty and delicious. And eat! Ravenously as I did. I can't help it.

Enjoy :)

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